This is the carrd for Dynamic, a BakuDeku zine centered around the alpha/beta/omega universe. Please note this zine was made by adults for adults and you should not proceed if you are under 18.
Dynamic is a BakuDeku zine centered around the alpha/beta/omega universe. As such, all works featured will depict Bakugou and Midoriya within this world.
Contributor Guidelines
This is a for-profit project portraying Bakugou and Midoriya living in an alpha/beta/omega universe and will produce both PDF and physical copies that will be sold in early 2020.
ARTISTS are asked to create at least one 8.5" x 8.5" 300 DPI CMYK .tif or .psd with 0.25" bleeds on all sides. Artists will work with the mods during the print-test process to ensure the finished piece prints are as the artist intended.
WRITERS are asked to create one 2 - 4k word work on a Google document and to cooperate with the mods during the revision process after final works have been submitted.
Contributors are guaranteed a free physical copy of the zine including shipping (U.S. and international). Any profit will then be divided equally between all mods and contributors using PayPal.

Please note these dates are subject to change.
Contributors will be announced after they are accepted. Stay tuned!
The following will not be permitted in the zine:
Non/dub con (!1)Scat and vomitAge gap (!2)Illegal material, such as characters depicted or stated as minors, or anything else punishable by (your country's) law.
(!1) Non-con elements will be allowed in the supplemental PDF.
(!2) Age gaps larger than 10 years, or age gaps featuring a situation where one character is in a position of power over the other, such as teacher-student. These may be allowed for the PDF, but not the printed zine.

For authors:
Two or three piecesA minimum of 1k and a maximum of 3k, a combined total of max 6k wordsAt least one piece must feature NSFW and one piece must feature BakuDeku/DekuBaku. These requirements may be combined.
For artists:
Two or three finished piecesAt least one piece must feature NSFW, a piece must feature BakuDeku/DekuBaku and one piece must have a background. These requirements may be combined.
For merch artists:
Two or three piecesAt least one piece must feature BNHA